Tap2Tag Could Prevent Counterfeiting in the Fashion Industry

The damaging effect of counterfeiting within the Fashion Industry is costing inspiration designers Billions of dollars each year. In the European Union alone it is estimated that €26.3 billion is lost in revenue annually from counterfeit goods. Globally, imports of counterfeit and pirated goods are worth nearly half a TRILLION dollars a year according to the OECD (2017). US, Italian and French brands are the hardest hit.
So how would the fashion industry react if we said that we had a full proof method to protect their brands?
Using an innovative TWIST of our Tap2Tag system we have a solution that will knock the whole of the counterfeit industry into a cocked hat. So if anyone in the fashion industry is interested in discussing this further end an email to info@tap2tag.me with some contact details and we would love to discuss this further.
If you would like to read more on Counterfeiting in the Fashion industry read here