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Posts tagged 'alert'

Tap2Tag Needs You

6 years ago 3 comments

Tap2Tag needs your help to spread the word. So we need you to help us contact every Ambulance trust in the UK so that they are aware of what the Tap2Tag Medical Alert system does for you.

Something new is coming

7 years ago No comments

Anyone who has been with us on our journey over the last four years know that we have continued to upgrade everything from our product to our software. In fact it's the software that makes things tick behind the scenes has been the most dramatic change. Additional functionality and added security means that your Tap2Tag information is the most versatile and secure system in the WORLD.

Innovation runs through our veins and we have always been working towards a plan that will help connect people. For me it is like having a huge sigh of relief as our road map over the next two years has really come together.

Five years ago, when the Tap2Tag software was being developed, I was on a family holiday in Egypt. Each day, my wife and sons, would be settled around the pool, soaking in the sun. Someone would then pipe up, "Time for a meeting?" So all of us would head into the pool and start discussing what we wanted Tap2Tag to achieve. As it has been four years since we launched Tap2Tag it has taken us some time to get to the point where some of those objectives are now scheduled to be delivered. Our medical alert system is the best and most inexpensive system available. That was a core part of our mission.

Connect was launched in October 2017 and is starting to take off and this is one area we are casting our focus over the coming months to ensure that it offers all of the potential that we envisaged when we started the development process. But there will be some significant changes coming soon. So stay tuned. If you want to be kept up-to-date with our news letters then sign up for updates by clicking here. Make sure you opt in to the Email marketing as we cannot contact you without this box being ticked.

Add come comments below if there are any innovations you would like us to incorporate.